Summertime means more people are out and about, including bringing their four-legged friends along. While the weather’s warm and the living is easy, as they say, there are more things out in the environment that can cause problems with animals. Protect your pet with pet first aid and have a pet first aid kit on hand when you’re out in the heat.

Take a pet first-aid course.

The American Red Cross offers pet first aid classes. Find one through your local chapter. In this class you can learn how to treat basic wounds in your animals, how to help if your pet is choking, how to identify signs of heatstroke, how to handle poison, and many other situations that can arise out of the blue that you may not be prepared for.

Items for your pet first aid kit. 

The Humane Society has a list of items it recommends to have on hand in a pet first aid kit. We can’t argue with any of its advice, and we’re giving a basic outline here, but the one item the Humane Society does not list in its kit that we think is important is a bag of treats! If you have to use tweezers or pliers to get something out of your pet’s paw,or if your best friend gets stung on the face and nose by a swarm of angry bees as happened to my dog once, that poor animal sure deserves a treat afterward, don’t you think? Keep a kit at home as well as in your car, and prepare a travel-friendly version if you’re going to be away from your usual stash of supplies.

Here are some items for your pet first aid kit.

Extra collar, ID tag and leash

You never know when you might lose one.

Vet information and medical records

Note your veterinarian’s name and number, and print out the medical records in case you have to go somewhere where they are not familiar with your animal. If you’re traveling somewhere, take a moment to look in advance to locate a vet’s office as well as an emergency clinic, just in case. No one wants to be camping or somewhere where there isn’t phone service and be stuck trying to figure out where you can take your dog in an emergency when you have no one to ask.

Basic First Aid Supplies

Think of the basic items that you would pack for a human first aid kit. Pack basic bandaging items such as gauze and tape, a thermometer and petroleum jelly for lubrication and disposable gloves, antiseptic soap or cleaning solution.


In case you need to open packaging, cut off a collar, or cut off something the animal has gotten into.


You can use these items to remove bee stinger or ticks. The pliers might be useful if the animal gets into something bigger than what you can handle with tweezers, such as a nail or splinter of some sort stuck in a paw or if he or she gets wrapped up in a tangled piece of wire. You never know what’s out there.

Allergy medication

Ask a veterinarian for supervision on what medication might be good to keep on hand for your particular pet. A vet must determine the correct dosage. My dog once was walking on a leash with me along a lakeshore when he accidentally stepped on an underground bee nest. Both he and I got stung repeatedly. He was really uncomfortable and I was scared! If I’d had something on hand to help him, he would have felt better a lot faster.

Calming medication

This is another one to get your veterinarian’s advice on. You may end up in a place with a severe thunderstorm that could scare your dog as much as fireworks do. Or, if there is a weather disaster or other unexpected event, you may be grateful to have the calming medication on hand until you can get somewhere safe. Wouldn’t hurt to have some calming medication on hand for humans too, now that I think about it!


It’s not a bad idea to make booties to protect your dog’s paws a part of your every day attire, but at any event, keep a pair in your kit in case of emergency. You may spontaneously end up somewhere with hot sand, hot pavement or other uncomfortable conditions. Humans wear shoes, so we don’t usually think much about the surface we’re walking on but dogs are directly in contact. Booties help protect their paws from any weather condition or terrain.

Baking soda

A baking soda and water paste can be applied to soothe skin conditions from bug bites to skunk spray. You can also sprinkle baking soda on your dog to give them a freshening dry bath if they’ve gotten into something and you can’t properly bathe them.

Plastic baggies

Because you never know when you’ll need to collect something you don’t want to handle with your bare hands.

An emergency chew toy

What if his favorite chew toy gets lost? Or you forget to bring it? This way you won’t have to worry about him chewing on your sneakers or the expensive hotel towels.

Particular needs for your pet

If your dog is diabetic, you might need to keep on hand some sugar syrup, for instance. Perhaps eye drops or nail clippers would get used in your household.

If someone is taking care of your pet while you’re away, make sure they know where you keep your first aid kit and your records. If you’re going away and you’re not taking your animals with you, inform your veterinarian who you have left in charge of your animals, just in case there happens to be an emergency visit. Don’t lose valuable time if the vet has to track you down to make sure they have approval to treat your pets.

What do you keep in your pet first aid kit? Let us know!

Summer has several dangers for pets that people may not think about. Like humans, dogs and cats get dehydrated and overheated. Providing adequate water and shade are a given, but what about the hidden dangers that summer poses for pets?

1 – Heat stroke. It’s not unprecedented for animals to suffer heat stroke, and there are several types of dogs that have an increased risk for this. Breeds with shorter noses like bulldogs, Boston terriers, and boxers aren’t able to cool themselves as efficiently as other breeds. Active breeds, such as the Labrador retriever, get so focused on their rigorous activities that they don’t stop long enough to cool off.

Dogs have an normal body temperature that is already slightly higher than that of humans–100 to 102.5 F. Their internal temperature can rapidly reach 109 F in the summer months. When this happens, dogs may develop multiple organ dysfunctions and it can be fatal. Signs of heat stroke include panting, excessive drooling, lack of urine, and rapid heart rate.

If your pet shows signs of a heat stroke, cool them down by putting them in a shaded water and offer cool water. Don’t force them to drink, but offer it. Place a fan directly on your pet and put water or wet towels over their neck, back, underarm area, and groin area. Whatever you do, don’t put ice or ice water on your pet because it can cause blood vessels to shrink and not effectively cool the inner body.

2 – Other animals or insects. This is another hidden danger of summer for pets. Bee stings, spider bites, and venomous snakebites aren’t unusual this time of year. A bad reaction can leave a dog with a swollen muzzle and an untreated wound can lead to necrosis of the skin.

If your dog gets a bee or insect sting, attempt removing a visible stinger by scraping it out of the skin with a credit card. A cool compress to the area with a mixture of baking soda and water will aid in neutralizing the venom.

Keep an eye out for your pet swiping its paw across its face, which could mean it has a bite or other irritation that you can’t see. If your animal’s face swells or your pet has difficulty breathing, seek a veterinarian’s help immediately. In the event of a snakebite, a veterinarian can administer an anti-venom shot.

The number of fleas and ticks greatly increase during the summer months. Be sure that your pet is receiving effective flea and tick prevention treatment.

3 – Sunburn. Even though pets are covered with fur, pets aren’t immune to sunburn, especially when the sun is exposed to areas of the animal that has minimal hair, such as the belly and tip of the nose.

For dogs, there are specific types of sunscreen made for them. Human sunscreen can be dangerous since it contains zinc, which is toxic if it’s swallowed.

4 – Burned paw pads. Cats and dogs have a hard time handling extreme temperatures. We walk around wearing shoes, so we don’t often notice the temperature of the surfaces we walk on. Dogs and cats, of course, are walking right on the heated surfaces with no protection. With the sun baking hard surfaces like asphalt and cement, it can be painful for pets to walk on. Add to that, the potential of chemicals or hazardous objects like glass shards presenting a problem during summer parties.

If you notice your pet is limping or stumbling, take it to a veterinarian for examination. Try keeping your dog or cat on the cooler grass instead of hot surfaces like asphalt and cement.

5 – Bacteria or algae in still water and puddles. A danger to pets during summer in stagnant water or puddles is a condition known as Giardiasis. It results from a parasite known as giardia lamblia found in still water areas. Giardiasis is an intestinal illness with symptoms of diarrhea, dehydration, and upset stomach. Some lakes and small bodies of water can develop a toxic algae in the summer months that is toxic to both humans and animals if consumed. Be aware of any health reports that may affect water near you.

6 – Leptospirosis is another danger to pets as well as humans. It’s a bacterial infection that can affect many animals, including dogs. It may cause liver and kidney damage — and possibly organ failure. The Centers for Disease Control reveals that the occurrence of Leptospirosis is more commons in pets than it has been in the past. The bacteria that cause Leptospirosis are spread through the urine of infected animals, gets into water or soil and can survive there for weeks to months.

7 – Allergies. Animals are more likely to suffer from summertime seasonal allergies, which commonly cause ear infections and itchy skin. Dogs and cats can get hay fever like humans, but their symptoms are usually itchy skin and bad ear infections rather than sinus issues.

One way to treat ear infections is by cleaning the ears with a veterinary prescribed ear-cleaning solution once a month, or as recommended. The solution is meant to prevent wax buildup, which makes the infection worse. Refrain from using cotton swabs in your pet’s ears.

While you’re out having a good time this summer, keep an eye out for these hidden dangers, and keep your pet safe!

Don’t be a victim of a burglary or home invasion. The following tips will help you protect your house, whether you’re at home or away.

1 – Secure Your Doors

Doors are the entry point of your home, and are often the first target of a burglar. To prevent unwanted visitors, always keep your doors locked—even when you’re at home. Install peepholes, deadbolts and security chains on your doors for added protection.

Multiple locking mechanisms make it more difficult for an intruder to kick the door open. Hinge bolts also provide an extra degree of security.

An often-overlooked way of securing your doors is asking for the identity of anyone that knocks or rings the doorbell. Instead of smashing their way in, some attackers will simply be polite and wait for the door to open for them.

2 – Protect Your Windows

Windows are particularly vulnerable to burglars. In the summer months, many people like to open their windows to get some fresh air in the house. However, these open windows are an easy target for intruders. To prevent your house from unwanted attention, always keep your windows closed and latched. Keep items of value out of sight.

Install windows that are made of reinforced glass, polycarbonate or Plexiglas. These materials are much more durable and more difficult to break than traditional glass windows and provide your home with additional security. You can also install bars on your windows or use hurricane shutters to deter burglars.

3 – Install Security and Monitoring Systems

There are many excellent systems available today that can greatly add to your home’s security. Security systems can alert you if a door or window is opened. The presence of a security system is sufficient to deter most criminals. You can also install motion sensors and security cameras to monitor your property.

Investigate monitoring systems that operate wirelessly and allow you to view footage from your home security camera remotely. Some may even allow you to control the locks and various appliances from your phone or tablet.

4 – Get a Dog

Dogs are great at alerting their owners about a person’s presence on the property. A dog’s bark can also make a would-be burglar think twice about attempting to enter your home. A trained guard dog can also defend your home should an intruder make it inside.

It’s not always easy to train a dog to be comfortable with visitors, but also guard against trespassers. You may need to enlist the help of an animal behaviorist to help this aspect of training.

5 – Use Lighting to Your Advantage

Many burglars do their dirty work under the cover of night to reduce their chances of being seen. Use lighting to your advantage. Make sure you have functioning lights that illuminate your property, especially around potential points of entry. Keep lights on inside your home, even when you’re away. Consider using timing devices to give the appearance that someone is at home. A well-lit home will make a criminal think twice before attempting a burglary.

You want to be prepared to guide your family to safety if you need to bug out, but sometimes pets are family too. If you have a dog that never leaves your side, you need to plan for how to bring it along if you need to get away fast.

Since dogs are the most likely pet you’ll take with you, this guide focuses on what you should do to prepare moving them out.

Bug Out Bag

If you have a large dog, there are dog bug out bags they can wear that enables them to carry some — or all — of the weight of their own supplies. This is preferable for large breed dogs, as they can support more weight. It’s recommended trying this pack out on your dog well in advance to ensure that your dog can handle the weight.

Take your dog to the mountains or the park with the bag at a weight you plan to have him or her to practice carrying it in the event of an emergency.


Preppers are recommended to have a of 72-hour supply of food. In preparing your pet for the bug out, have the same amount. If your dog will help by packing things around, add a little extra.

Throwing in some favorite snacks is a nice addition, too. It’s good for animals to have their spirits lifted as well in these situations.


While you need to pack some water for your dog, they won’t require the same amount you do. Preppers need around 3 gallons of water for drinking, hygiene, cooking, and cleaning.

Pack a liter of water for the dog (same as a human) and make sure you have a filter in your pack to filter or disinfect water along the way.


Dogs are generally healthy if they’re well taken care of. If you have an older dog, they may be on medications that need to be packed as well. Be sure to take a simple first aid kit for your dog. Also, if you’ll be traveling on rough terrain in a bug  out, you need to make sure your dog’s paws are healthy because like humans, if the feet go out, they won’t be able to go any further.

If there any sharp edges along the way, there are dog shoes that protect their feet. Check pet supply stores for quality paw protection gear.

Leash and Collar

Yes, this is an obvious choice, but it’s recommended to have a nylon 6 or 10-foot leash instead of a retractable leash. This is a good type of leash to have while hiking through the woods or when the dog wants to do his/her business.

You’ll want something simpler, stronger, and less prone to breaking; that is a nylon leash. A 10-foot leash will allow the dog to walk in front of you a little further, which eases fatigue when going over terrain.

Noise Discipline

If you’re trying to keep quiet and don’t want the jingling of metal on metal from your dog’s tags on its collar, tape the noisy parts of the collar together so it doesn’t make noise. Another alternative is to remove the noisy parts of the collar and keep in the dog bug out bag.

No matter how you decide to prepare your dog for a long bug out trip, be sure to talk with a veterinarian experienced in hiking and camping with animals before you try it. Dogs require constant attention to remina in good health, so be sure you’re ready to provide what they need.

Guard dogs are a particularly useful deterrent for robbers and home intruders, but there are instances when a criminal might get the upper hand. There are measures to safeguard from these types of situations.

1. When to Train a Guard Dog
First of all, a dog that’s 6-16-months-old is the most important time to start training. Younger dogs are far more easy to train than older ones.

At this age, dogs know how to keep their guard up. They understand what territory that they’re suppose to protect, which is your home and front and backyard.

2. Train Dogs for Specific Situations
What about those treats burglars may use to sneak past your protection dog? Part of this is included in the dog’s training so that they understand they must be weary of food from strangers. They’re given treats ONLY when performing specific instructions. If robbers and burglars encounter a well-trained dog, they won’t have a chance at sneaking past the dog.

A huge tip in preventing an intruder from getting past your dog is to reward the animal repeatedly for responding to an alarm. They associate this reward with knowing this is the behavior of theirs you want from them.

Be sure the dog is trained to bark at any suspicious noise, activity, or people. You’re home is far less likely to be the target of a robber.

A burglar should be turned off by a watchdog being on the property. Have “Beware of Dogs” signs posted around the yard or fence line.

3. How Does Your Dog Interact with Strangers?
The key factor here lies with having a dog to not be easily swayed by strangers. Be sure they’re safe around people in general, but are on their guard enough to know that they shouldn’t be targets for intruders themselves.

Start training your dog to guard in certain situations. Start early and stay consistent. A great dog not only makes a great companion, it can protect your property like nothing else.