Whether you bought your gun for self defense or just for fun to shoot at the range, all first-time gun owners should make sure to have some of the same essential equipment. Part of being

A responsible gun owner needs to be on top of everything. You need to know how to shoot your gun, how to clean and store it, your state laws for when and where you can

There's lots of advice you can find on ways to survive in the wild once you've gotten lost, but what if the advice you were given isn't the best? If fact, some advice -- although

Having the necessary medical resources after a physical injury can mean the difference between life and death in a survival situation. If you aren't close to any medical help, your survival could depend on how

Food and…What Else? The Non-Food Essentials You Need in Bulk for Your Survival Stockpile
If you’re a prepper, you know it’s important to prep for multiple scenarios. You should definitely have a bug-out bag ready to go if you

In Today’s Digital Age, Don’t Forget to Have These 7 Physical Essentials
Society’s digital advancements have definitely made some parts of our lives easier. But when it comes to preparing for the worst, we have to take

A New Supervolcano is Threatening the Northeast
Typically it’s the Northwest that people think of when they think of volcanic activity. The Pacific Ring of Fire is a horseshoe-shaped area of seismic

What’s Going On With the Earth’s Magnetic Field?
The Earth’s magnetic field is acting strangely enough for scientists to study it. And the changes that are coming are not well-understood at this point.

Morakniv Floating Serrated Knife
A floating knife?! Why didn’t I think of this. Around here, where we spend half the summer in a lake or by a river, it

Why Are There So Many False Emergency Warnings?
Where we live in the Pacific Northwest our state was just one of several states over the past few months that issued a false warning

The One Plant That Grows Almost Anywhere That You Should Know
There’s one plant that grows almost everywhere that you definitely should know about for your herbal medicine cabinet. It’s one of the first plants most

Wild Edibles You Can Find Anywhere
There’s nothing more irritating to me than reading an article about survival foods that focuses only on foods in the desert southwest, for instance, or