A floating knife?! Why didn't I think of this. Around here, where we spend half the summer in a lake or by a river, it just makes sense. This cool knife made by Morakniv recently

Where we live in the Pacific Northwest our state was just one of several states over the past few months that issued a false warning emergency. On May 31, 2018, at 8:30 pm, an emergency

There's one plant that grows almost everywhere that you definitely should know about for your herbal medicine cabinet. It's one of the first plants most people consider weeds that I learned to identify. I became

There's nothing more irritating to me than reading an article about survival foods that focuses only on foods in the desert southwest, for instance, or woodland plants of the East Coast. I'm not in those

How To Choose Your Off-Grid Cookware?
We all love to cook on the grill when it’s nice out. But what if you had no electricity for your stove and you had

What’s the Benefit of a Kukri Knife?
The kukri (pronounced koo-kree) is an intimidating curved blade knife/weapon that originates in Nepal. Shown below is a photo of a a traditional kukri, along

Should You Shelter Inside Your Vehicle?
Let’s say you’re stuck somewhere for the night. Is it better to stay inside your vehicle or take your in-care gear bag and hustle out

What’s Keeping You From Prepping?
The Canadian government took a survey of personal preparedness and released it on February 9, 2018. According to the survey results, only 13% of people

Survival Bag Realities
Like many of you out there, I have a variety of survival gear. I have duplicates of some things. I have multiples of other things.

ALICE Training for Kids?
I’m a member of my local neighborhood watch group and we have meetings every 2 to 3 months. I went to one on Sunday with

5 Top High-Visibility Flashlights
What’s the point of having a flashlight that isn’t charged when you need it? Or the batteries are dead? Or worse yet, having a flashlight

Avoid Cold Weather Casualties
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we just had a few days of very springlike weather. The fruit trees started blooming, daffodils poked their heads up